Home / Films / Beyond Bollywood / Chronicles of a Temple Painter
Chronicles of a Temple Painter
6.30 pm, Tuesday, August 18
Year: 2014
Language: Documentary (Hindi / English / Telegu)
Running Time: 50 Minutes
Rating: Festival Rating
Director: Shravan Katikeneni
Film Festivals & Awards: Best Long Documentary at the International Documentary and Short Film Festival of Kerala (IDSFFK 2014)
Synopsis: Papalal, a Hindu temple painter rescued a four year old distraught Muslim girl from a bomb blast site in India and fostering her ever since. Muslim and Hindu groups have been pressurizing him to give up the child for various reasons. The film revolves around what happens when he decides not to give up on the little girl and ends up being boycotted by his society, making it hard for him to earn a living. The documentary is a disturbing account of freedom and religious bigotry in ‘secular’ India.