Sarita Patil is the dynamic and enterprising co-founder of Matchbox Shots, the force behind various acclaimed films and series such as "Monica O My Darling" (2022) and "Scoop" (2023) two of the most talked-about works to come out of the Indian entertainment scene in the past year. Patil is an institution in herself. From being a part of the leadership teams of some of the biggest names in film & production houses such as Balaji Telefilms, Viacom 18, UTV Motion Pictures, to spearheading several feature films and digital content, Patil brings 28 remarkable years of experience and leadership skills to the table. Known throughout the industry for her diligence, vigour, and ingenuity, she continues to be an inspiration for many. Her unwavering dedication to bringing compelling stories to life on the screen is evident through the two captivating films produced under the Matchbox Shots banner this year that will be playing at IFFM 2023 - "All India Rank," and "Three of Us."
IFFM 2023 is thrilled to have Sarita Patil at ANZ Plus IFFM Awards Night 2023 on Friday, 11 August, at 7 PM, Hamer Hall.
Meet Sarita Patil on Sunday, 13 August, at 5 PM, Clemenger BBDO Auditorium, NGV as part of IFFM Chats.